2024/2025 WNL Registration for Fall

Please fill out one form per participant and click submit.
Please read. By registering for WNL I consent to the following: In the event of an emergency where medical treatment is required, I give my permission to the church staff or sponsor to obtain the services of a licensed physician. The listed parent and/or emergency contact will be notified immediately concerning any such emergency. I release First Presbyterian Church from liability regarding any such injury or illness. Pictures or video of groups of participants and volunteers having fun at WNL may appear on the church's website or on social media (i.e. our church Face Book page). I grant permission for you to photograph/video myself or my child in that context. Specific privacy issues will be addressed by special request to dce@fpchsv.org.

Wednesdays 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Fall Semester September 18 - November 20 (not on Oct 2)

Register your children:
 - Preschool age 2, 3, or 4 years old - no charge
 - Grades K - 5th - $80 per semester
 - Youth - $110 per semester

Register for The Rev. Dr. Tara Bulger's adult class, 5:30 - 6:15 and dinner at 6:30:  The Gospel of Mark 
- Class only - no charge
- Dinner $110 per semester

Register as a volunteer 

If you are new to First Presbyterian Church fully fill out the "Contact Information" section for the first family member only. If you are a member or returning registration fill in updates only to this information.
Please select one option.
Contact & Other Information (fill out once / update as needed)

Please select one option.
We love and need our volunteers!

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.


Please fill out one form per participant and click submit.
Please read. By registering for WNL I consent to the following: In the event of an emergency where medical treatment is required, I give my permission to the church staff or sponsor to obtain the services of a licensed physician. The listed parent and/or emergency contact will be notified immediately concerning any such emergency. I release First Presbyterian Church from liability regarding any such injury or illness. Pictures or video of groups of participants and volunteers having fun at WNL may appear on the church's website or on social media (i.e. our church Face Book page). I grant permission for you to photograph/video myself or my child in that context. Specific privacy issues will be addressed by special request to dce@fpchsv.org.